"Hey Mongo! "

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copyright 2005 Holophane

This video was produced for Holophane to aid in communicating their acquisition of long-time competitor "American Electric Lighting." AEL's "Cobrahead" streetlight fixture is the most widely used streetlight in the industry by far. Holophane's answer to the "Cobrahead" was its rival the "Mongoose."

Not long after coming out with the Mongoose, Holopahane and AEL became sister companies under the Acuity Brands Lighting umbrella. This video was to help let people know that Cobraheads like "Rudy & Charlie" were now on the same team as their previous nemesis "Mongo!"

Meet "Rudy & Charlie"

Producing fun and engaging characters like "Rudy, Charlie and Mongo " required a number of steps to not only create the character animation, but also add the lip-synced voice and properly edit into a finished video timeline. The images at the right show a brief synopsis of the steps that were taken for produce the individual "Hey Mongo" animation clips.
