Interactive Electronic Multimedia
The electronic media that I have been producing for many years now comes in a variety of flavors. They include PowerPoint presentations, CD based presentations and interactive modules, of course web sites. Technologies vary as well with some being done inside Microsoft Office and others utilizing more advanced applications such as Macromedia Flash and Director. Most of my past electronic projects cannot be provided in demo form online for a variety of reasons. File size is the biggest one. Since they are usually targeted for CD distribution, file sizes can be in the hundreds of megabytes. Also, some are produced only as executable standalone programs that run outside a web browser. Lastly, many contain proprietary corporate information that I cannot release.

Acuity Brands LightingAcuity Brands Lighting
RRD Direct - ShowtimeRRD Direct - CitiGroup
PowerPoint Presentations
While not the most impressive or complex of my multimedia capabilities, PowerPoint presentations are by far the most popular and in highest demand. These are produced for both external sales and marketing presentations as well as internal communications and events.

The images at the left show just a few of the custom title and background screens I have created for some of my past presentations. The images only show titles and backgrounds as I'm not permitted to display the content of their presentations.


Anomatic Corp

Anomatic Corp

City of Dublin, OH

City of Dublin, OH

Norse Dairy Systems

RRD Direct

RRD Direct

RRD Direct (Game)
CD Based Projects (Flash & Director)
CD based projects give me much more flexibility in design since I have full multimedia capabilities such as animation, video, sound, etc but not the file size limitations of web based projects.

These projects generally are done in Macromedia Flash and/or Director and are designed to run as a standalone application that autoruns on CD. These projects almost always include the design of the CD label printing and the printing of any jacket or sleeve carrying the CD.

Projects can range from interactive design simulators or trade show kiosks to electronic company specifications packages or even interactive holiday "e-cards" with games.

The images at the left will give you some screen shots that show examples of some of my CD based work.




BME Engines

First Place Engines

41 Sniper

RenderWurx Studios
Internet & Intranet Sites
I do web sites that range from standard HTML basic sites, through high-end Flash enabled sites and even some database driven sites.

My focus is on user interface and overall design while I leave most of the complex server side coding to IT professionals whenever possible. Most of my past sites were for previous full-time employers and the sites have been replaced over the years since I left those positions.

The links at the left will take you to just a few examples of my past web site work.

Finally after nearly a year I have finished the corporate web site for Holophane! This fully databased integrated and multimedia rich site is a quantum leap forward for Holophane's presence on the web. This is just the start, as I will continue to maintain, enhance and improve it daily. Also released in Feb 06 was the new site for SiteLink, a division of Holophane. I worked with RenderWurx Studios to develop this site which stands alone, separate from the Holophane web site.

Future Examples

Now that I have landed in a full-time position somewhere that I truly love, I have stopped doing any outside/freelance work. Therefore, pretty much anything electronic I do from now on will be for Holophane. Consequently, as time passes, some of the examples listed on this page may become old, obsolete or even web sites will be replaced with newer versions by different web designers (as many already have). I apologize if any of my links take you to something that I didn't design, due to the changing of the guard over time.