I recently had to fly from Ohio out to California on a business trip and was able to run up to the Chino "Planes of Fame" Air Museum in the morning before my flight home. There I was able see their Duantless, up close and personal. So, I run back to Newport Beach to catch my plane home, and guess what? My flight's cancelled! So, I get a hotel again, rent a car, and drive down to San Diego. Guess what I did there? Can you say "Jig Dog"?

That's right! I was able to hook up with Rear Admiral James "Jig Dog" Ramage (original pilot of my 41 Sniper SBD5) in person at his home on Coronado Naval Base! We talked warbirds and SBD's for a couple hours. For 87 years old, he was sharp as a whip and recalled things like they were yesterday. I took some pics of us together, and he gave me an autographed color press photo from his command during Viet Nam era.

What a legend... this guy fought all of WW2, Korea and three tours in Viet Nam... he is one of the most decorated Admirals in the navy, and he has had more commands than anyone in Naval Aviation! It was a true honor to be there and really inspires me to see my project through to the end!

Funny how things work out... I was all bent out of shape when my flight home got cancelled, but if it hadn't, I never would have had the opportunity to drive down to Coronado and meet JD. Below are some pics of our evening together, and you can see pics from my trip to Chino here.